Newtown Community Foundation

NCF history
Newtown is a vibrant community with deep respect for its colonial roots. It is also a town with an eye on tomorrow. People who love Newtown are not only concerned with preserving its historical identity, but they want to ensure that it remains a caring community for generations to come.
In 2003, a group of Newtown businesspeople held a meeting to explore the best way to support the growing number of worthwhile charitable organizations in the Newtown area. Their concern was to relieve charities of some of the pressure of raising annual funds, while at the same time ensuring the availability of funds when times are lean. After careful consideration, they decided to create a “Community Foundation.” The Foundation would accumulate funds from individuals and businesses that would be permanently invested, generating income each year to be distributed as grants to local non-profit agencies.
In 2004 the Newtown Community Foundation officially incorporated and received its charitable status, meaning all funds invested are tax deductible to the donor. In 2005 the Board decided to become a supporting organization of the Bucks County Foundation, a community foundation serving all of Bucks County since 1979. As a Supporting Organization, Newtown can offer the same range of funds, use the same guidelines, and avoid the administrative expenses of a larger organization.
In 2005, Newtown Community Foundation received its first gift and invited the community to invest in the future of Newtown.
As we benefit today from the legacy of the many generations of the people of Newtown who have gone before us, our hope is that generations of the people of Newtown still to come will benefit from the legacy we leave to them today.
Invest in the Newtown of tomorrow. Today.
OUR MISSION at NCF is to enhance the quality of life for residents of the Newtown region by stimulating philanthropic opportunity and developing long-term financial assets to meet a wide range of the community’s charitable needs.